Case Studies

Personal Injury Law Firm-Location Based Advertising

Solutions Implemented

ClickStrides Marketing offers some unique solutions that not all marketing companies offer. The newest most niche product that we offer is location based advertising. Location based advertising allows your company to pick the physical locations that your ideal clients may visit. For personal injury this can be an emergency room, auto body shop, 24 hour emergency clinic, hospital, a busy intersection or even a nursing home.

Location Based adverting allows:

  • An ad to be served to anyone who enters the specified location
  • An ad that follows the potential client for 30 days
  • Repetition for seeing your law firm ad for the precise time they are ready to take action
  • Your firm to brand your law firm in only highly targeted locations and not mass targeting


Our solution allowed our client to only advertise to those individuals visiting locations that their ideal clients will most likely have to visit. This allowed the firm to spend less money than the big TV lawyers, but gave them the ability to capture their target client at exactly the right time.

  • Precise audience targeting
  • Lower Cost solution
  • Repeat branding
  • Niche solution that isn’t saturated

Family Law Firm-LawyerTrac

Solutions Implemented

ClickStrides Marketing offers a law firm specific solution called LawyerTrac. This solution was designed for the exact problems this law firm was facing. Most law firms first put their marketing dollars in either Google Adwords or Legal Directories like FindLaw, Avvo, Justia, and etc. The problem that we have found, is that most law firms all send this paid traffic to the same website. This created a tremendous reporting problem because you never know which marketing program generated the lead.

Most Google Adwords campaigns and legal directories offer call tracking numbers, but this is flawed if the client clicks to the firm website they then call the phone number listed on the website, which is not the call tracking number from the legal directory or Google Adwords program.

Enter LawyerTrac-What we created!

  • Landing pages were created for each marketing campaign(legal directory or Google Ads).
  • Each legal directory and Google Ads program was directed to a unique landing page where the client could not do anything but call or complete a landing page specific intake form.
  • Call tracking numbers were setup and were unique to each marketing campaign.
  • Seamless reporting was established to track all the marketing campaigns independently.


With the implementation of Lawyertrac, our client was able to gain the insights into which programs were generating their best leads. They were surprised to find out that the program they thought was performing the worst, was actually generating most of their leads. They were then able to shift more of their marketing dollars to this program and grow they campaign and generate more clients.

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